Friday, March 5, 2010

Painful Painting

Today started out as a normal day. Insanity, tiredness, work. And then came 7th period: Art. In Art class today, I managed to injure my hand. "How?" you ask... by banging it on a table.

You see, it was a light bang (oxymoron), but afterwards, my arm turned red and swollen. Also, I couldn't move it. So, my Art teacher took one look at it, gasped, and sent me to the Nurse's office. Meredith was there- she would know what it looked like. Alas, the nurse was not there. So, the office called the upper school nurse, and she came. She iced it, tested it, and in the end, couldn't figure out whether it was broken, or just swollen.

So, my mom came and took me to the doctor's office, and got an X-ray done. I did not break my arm. I did, however, manage to badly bruise the tissue between the bones, causing it to swell.

Today, I survived PE, a biology class playing jump rope, and got injured in Art. Today, I left school early, because of banging my hand on a wooden table. Today, I slowly and laboriously typed this out.

On the bright side, I got to ride the elevator today. :)


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