Friday, July 23, 2010

Walk to Cure Cancer

On Sunday, September 26 of this year, there's going to be a walk to cure cancer at UMass medical School Campus (53 lake Avenue North, Worcester, MA). There's one 5 mile walk, and an optional 1 mile walk which I'm doing.

This is the 12th annual one, and they are trying to get each participant to raise $200 from sponsors. The overall goal is $1,000,000. You can go as a team, or by yourself. The official website is That's where you can register and get a fundraising sheet. I'm definitely going, and hopefully I can actually raise some money from neighbors.


random picture of 2 girls from website


  1. Hi, Shebati, I wish I could do it, but my parents won't really let me go, mom donates to cancer societies (alot) and doesn't think we need to do it! But don't think bad of her, she is a REALLY busy woman!

  2. I DID THAT LAST YR!!!!! IDK if i can go but if i cant ill donate money 2 u 4 it!!!
