Thursday, August 4, 2011


Hello there! I have realized one very drastic mistake- I have not uploaded my blog in 11 months. 

Now, there's a lot one does in 11 months, and this post can be about a lot of things. It can be peppered with excuses (school! finals! 13 classes! camp! school! school?) but I'm sure you've heard that already. So, I shall make this a small post, basically saying one thing- I have returned. 

I have changed my blog a lot too. In my opinion, it looks much prettier. Now, I shall post this and then post a big post about my summer. 

For now, I leave you with a picture of a rose my friend Eliza took. I love this picture, so I had to post it. 

With my sincerest, deepest, most dramatic apologies,

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