Monday, June 28, 2010

How to devour a watermelon in 2 days

Note: Said Watermelon was devoured by 3 people
Note2: Just because I'm telling you how to do it, does not mean I recommend you do it

  1. After a month of not having watermelons, buy a big one
  2. Forget about it for a week or two
  3. Finally open it
  4. Have dad chide you for opening a watermelon two days before you leave for Chicago
  5. Drag dad onto deck to devour half a watermelon
  6. Feel like you're full of water (and melon)
  7. Sleep
  8. Have a little breakfast
  9. Eat a quarter of a watermelon with mom
  10. Wait
  11. Eat supper
  12. Finish the watermelon with mom, minus one part that you save for dad
  13. Crave that one part you saved for a minute
  14. Say "I'll just eat the broken parts"
  15. Eat said broken parts
  16. Crave watermelon (again) for 30 seconds
  17. Touch the watermelon and watch a piece crumble off
  18. In reality, break a piece off
  19. Eat it
  20. Repeat steps 17- 18
  21. Watch Mom laugh at you
  22. Enter kitchen
  23. Realize you had half a watermelon alone in two days
  24. Smile
  25. The End
And that, my friends, is how you devour a big watermelon in 2 days.