Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Journey Starts with Spirit (Chicago Trip Day 1)

I am back, and HAPPY from Chicago. Spain won the world cup, (please, nobody get mad at me for being excited!), I FINALLY have an American Girl doll, and I feel like a 3 year old. Basically, everything is all right with the world. It is time for me to document my trip. I will shorten Chicago Trip Day # into CTD# from now on. Hence, I shall begin.

The journey started with Spirit. Spirit Airlines, to be exact. I do not like mint, or gum, so I really can't chew anything on the plane. Finally, I have found something that calms me. Hajmola! Its a spice filled tablet that somehow calms me (the kind in the purple bottle, not the orange bottle). Downside: You have to eat 4-6 because they're so tiny, but not at once. Upside: Not mint or gum.

So, we landed in Atlantic City, New Jersey at first. Let me tell you something: Its beautiful and all, but the airport is tiny! It has: 2 places for food, 1 gift shop, 1 bathroom set, and a few terminals. I spent some time in the gift shop, and watched Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune from Historic Boston! the whole time. We had a two hour wait. The flight to Detroit would have been nicer if it weren't for the girl behind me, who kept kicking the back of my seat. Not the best if you're tired and cranky.

Finally, we landed in Detroit Airport. The highlight: I took a huge Duffel Bag from the Baggage Claim and landed it in one swipe before Mom or Dad got there. People behind me were all "That bag's bigger that her!" and "Wow! I couldn't do that!" It made me happy. :)

After that, we went to the Hertz bus terminal for Murphy's Law example number 1: Everyone that went there was waiting for Hertz. Guess which was the last bus to come? HERTZ! Give the reader a prize...

After wards, we went to an awesome fast food restaurant called Checkers. It has better food than most, and is a fresh-ish drive- thru. Then, we started to drive to Lansing, where I'll start off on my next post.


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