Thursday, August 4, 2011


For 5 weeks this Summer, I have been participating in a Summer Camp called the Artemis Project. It is basically a computer science camp for girls.

It took place in BU and taught us various things, like Robotics, HTML, CSS, Python and more! We were visited by various guest speakers like Professors from BU or Representatives from companies like Raytheon and Google. We also went on various field trips to places like the Broad, IBM, Microsoft New England Research and Development Center, and more. It was a lot of fun!

The Robots we made to fight each other...

There, I met new people, learned a lot, and saw what girls can do in Computer Science. It was a wonderful experience, and I definitely recommend it for anybody who has the slightest interest in Comp Sci, or is curious to see what it details. This year, because of generous sponsors, it was free other than an initial entrance fee. It was also the first year running the program at BU. It was run by 5 students who go to BU themselves. The program originated at Brown, and one of the coordinators, Katherine, went to the Brown program last year. The program also provides free lunch :) .
Group Picture of us at Microsoft
Basically, this is a fun Summer Camp for anybody who wants to learn, go on field trips around Boston, or wants free lunch for 5 weeks ;). For more information, go to the following website.  To look at the website I made, go to the second link. It's about Movies! :)

The Link to the Website:

The Link to the Website I made while there:

Disclaimer: I do not claim rights to any companies, Universities, or programs mentioned in this blog.

I hope you go next year, and like it!

Talk to you soon,

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