Friday, August 5, 2011


Co-Wrote with my fellow blogger Eliza Joy Mendoza. (Hi! Tani's computer spazzed and the draft before this one died... her typing is weird sometimes...when typing the word "blogger" she typed, "bloo"...hehehe....BLOOGER!!!!)
Anything she says will be in parentheses and green. And Blooger was a typo, Liza.
(Tani is very posessive of her laptop.....and typos are funny sometimes :P )
You spelled possessive wrong.
(see? typos! YAY! I blame Chipotle)
We went to Chipotle today. It was delicious. I loved it. We ate burritos. I had a Barbacoa one, and she had a chicken one.
By the way, do you know what Liza said just now? "I want a pet lizard" . I just looked at her funny. It was kind of random. She already has a doggy, Melaurie. Is Mel not good enough for you now Liza?
(By the way, Tani called me a chicken )
She's a cannibal!!!
(I AM NOT A CHICKEN. I should know. I love my dog!!! I meant in the the way future...I keep misspelling future....stupid u's...hmm....I can't spell stupid without a u....hmmm....stpid....that would sound weird...STPID....tani is now tugging the laptop..bye)
Got it, okay. Guess who's spazzing more, me or Ms. Stpid over there? By the way, the chicken thing was because we read this adorable picture book about a little girl who's evil older sisters told her she was a chicken. Yeah. Moving on! Ummm... BUNNY!
Adorable Bunny from 
Yups! Isn't it adorable? Eliza wasted a whole page on my notepad (the real one, not the virtual one) writing random stuff. Like "Green! no, BLUE!" or "BUNNIEZ" which is very bad grammar :)
(hehehe....I am are some random stuff: Bunny! forty-two 75 pie pies apples melaurie celtics 97 MERLIN morgana arthurian legend....hmph..tani is al ready starting to tug on the laptop...she is now slapping me and hitting the backspace button....she now refuses to talk. hmph. :P)`
SHE HURT ME. IT HUUUUUUURT. REAL BAD. I just wanted to talk about Merlin... :'(
(She kept hitting the backspace button *insert battle of backspace button*)
SO YOU HURT ME????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???!!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
(wow...all it took was a pinkie promise...then again
This is true. This is something I agree with. And a pinkie promise made me happiful again!!! :) :D :) :D :) :D
Oh dearsies. Now I'M spazzing. Look at what you've done Liza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tee hee...
(She is now bringing up Geometry! THE HORROR....THE HORROR!!!!! :P I don't like this keyboard sometimes.....I also don't like Geometry....Tani loves it.....Merlin!)
Tee hee... it took her like 15 tries to get the :P right... first she was like :p :O :p :o :O :p :o :P. HEHE. Also, Liza, I think they could tell by your "the horror... the horror!!!" that you didn't like geometry. I don't see why. It's fun! Assume temporarily that the word Merlin was not random. Then Merlin would be repeated before in the same conversation. However, this contradicts a given that Merlin was NOT repeated before in the same conversation. Therefore, Merlin was random. :) Eliza was glaring at me and trying not to crack up simultaneously. It was amusing. Now SHE is tugging the laptop from ME. Farewell!
(Now she is singing....she sings a lot! See, Geometry? Not fun for me! I forgot what I was going to I remember! I had to crack up...because if I hold it in....I end up sounding like a donkey)
Eliza has a flat nose. I know cause I just poked it. Like POKE. It was rather squishy too. Now we're both singing Once Upon a December from the movie Anastasia. It is an epic song AND an epic movie!!
We were also both off key on the last Once upon a December, and we both came in early. 
Now we both have the random urge to do Jumping Jacks. be right back!
*40 Jumping Jacks Later*
Back to left align! Here's another epic Anastasia song!

Now we're listening to my playlist! Yay!
Here is a random thing by two actors of Merlin... It's them spazzing. Like us except more British. And they're older. And, you know, not teenage girls. But other than that, exactly like us.
By the way, I'm psychic. Back to you, Liza, with this evening's weather report!
(This post is huge. Tonight, I predict it will be know, like most nights are....I blame Shebati for the above video....fanfiction....)
Tee hee. 
(Tani, when will this post end?)
Right about.... now.

Adios people, fortunate or unfortunate depending on your Point of View! For now...
Really Eliza, Really? Latin? Anyways, Farewell! Talk to ya'll later!

With Love, and sparkles and spazziness,
Tani and Eliza

PS: See why I called this post Randomness?

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