Thursday, August 4, 2011


The Library. Such a wonderful, wonderful place. Full of books, enrichment, and shelves and shelves of books to read- and check out- and shelve. Do you ever wonder who shelves those books? Who shelves the insane amount of DVD's people check out every single day?
Credit to for the pic

Well folks, for this Summer you do know who- It has been me. I have been volunteering at my local library and shelving the countless books and movies you people return. It's actually been pretty fun. I volunteer in the children's section, so I get to watch the adorable little kids toddle around, and talk to each other. I also hear very interesting conversations. Here's one example: (Note: Spelling mistake is to show their diction)

A Conversation Between Two Little Silly Children
  Kid One: "What do yuu wanna be when yuu gow up?"
  Kid Two: "I dunno"
  Kid One: "Well I wanna be a Pesidant. [Presidant]"
  Kid Two: "I dunno what I wanna be"
~They play happily for some time, before they open a picture book about divers~
  Kid Two: "I know! I wants to be a diver!"
~Kid One is not happy about this. This job is better than his! How dare he usurp his brilliant claim! Wait... he has an idea...~
  Kid One: self importantly "WELL, I'll ONLY be a Pesidant if I get into Yale. If I get inta Pinceton [Princeton] or Harvard, I'll be a diver. Otherwise, I'll be an aachitect [architect].
  Kid Two: Not caring much Okay!
  Kid One: Is slightly put out by Kid Two's lack of caring, but goes back to playing anyways
That was just one conversation I overheard. I thought it was adorable and slightly creepy how he was
talking about Yale... Oh well!

According to my Mother, I live at the library now. I shelve, I do the summer program with the little kids,
and I read. I read a lot. I've read a lot of picture books... they're so good! ;)
I've been there, so much, even the librarian is suggesting to me that I go out into the sun and play.
"After all, it's Summer!"
pshh... no. I went into a corner and read some more :)
Adorable cartoon of toddler with book

So, that's basically what I've been doing this Summer. More will come up soon! I promise!

Farewell for now,

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