Friday, July 23, 2010

Walk to Cure Cancer

On Sunday, September 26 of this year, there's going to be a walk to cure cancer at UMass medical School Campus (53 lake Avenue North, Worcester, MA). There's one 5 mile walk, and an optional 1 mile walk which I'm doing.

This is the 12th annual one, and they are trying to get each participant to raise $200 from sponsors. The overall goal is $1,000,000. You can go as a team, or by yourself. The official website is That's where you can register and get a fundraising sheet. I'm definitely going, and hopefully I can actually raise some money from neighbors.


random picture of 2 girls from website

Sunday, July 11, 2010

CTD1 1/2: Michigan is so kind!

Michigan= Very very kind state. Well, what I've seen of it anyway. I saw this car that forgot to turn its lights on (it was a rental) and a motorcycle honked at it when it couldn't see it. However, instead of getting mad at the car, the person was all "Turn on your lights!" When the car couldn't hear the, at the next red light he yelled at him again! It was nice. Well, that he tried to help him, not that he yelled.

Also, there was a very nice aura in the air. The people there were very helpful, kind, and stuff. Rainbow-y stuff. :)
The hotel we stayed at was nice too. Although, I must admit that I have forgotten its name. I will post a review of it later when I remember.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Journey Starts with Spirit (Chicago Trip Day 1)

I am back, and HAPPY from Chicago. Spain won the world cup, (please, nobody get mad at me for being excited!), I FINALLY have an American Girl doll, and I feel like a 3 year old. Basically, everything is all right with the world. It is time for me to document my trip. I will shorten Chicago Trip Day # into CTD# from now on. Hence, I shall begin.

The journey started with Spirit. Spirit Airlines, to be exact. I do not like mint, or gum, so I really can't chew anything on the plane. Finally, I have found something that calms me. Hajmola! Its a spice filled tablet that somehow calms me (the kind in the purple bottle, not the orange bottle). Downside: You have to eat 4-6 because they're so tiny, but not at once. Upside: Not mint or gum.

So, we landed in Atlantic City, New Jersey at first. Let me tell you something: Its beautiful and all, but the airport is tiny! It has: 2 places for food, 1 gift shop, 1 bathroom set, and a few terminals. I spent some time in the gift shop, and watched Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune from Historic Boston! the whole time. We had a two hour wait. The flight to Detroit would have been nicer if it weren't for the girl behind me, who kept kicking the back of my seat. Not the best if you're tired and cranky.

Finally, we landed in Detroit Airport. The highlight: I took a huge Duffel Bag from the Baggage Claim and landed it in one swipe before Mom or Dad got there. People behind me were all "That bag's bigger that her!" and "Wow! I couldn't do that!" It made me happy. :)

After that, we went to the Hertz bus terminal for Murphy's Law example number 1: Everyone that went there was waiting for Hertz. Guess which was the last bus to come? HERTZ! Give the reader a prize...

After wards, we went to an awesome fast food restaurant called Checkers. It has better food than most, and is a fresh-ish drive- thru. Then, we started to drive to Lansing, where I'll start off on my next post.


Monday, June 28, 2010

How to devour a watermelon in 2 days

Note: Said Watermelon was devoured by 3 people
Note2: Just because I'm telling you how to do it, does not mean I recommend you do it

  1. After a month of not having watermelons, buy a big one
  2. Forget about it for a week or two
  3. Finally open it
  4. Have dad chide you for opening a watermelon two days before you leave for Chicago
  5. Drag dad onto deck to devour half a watermelon
  6. Feel like you're full of water (and melon)
  7. Sleep
  8. Have a little breakfast
  9. Eat a quarter of a watermelon with mom
  10. Wait
  11. Eat supper
  12. Finish the watermelon with mom, minus one part that you save for dad
  13. Crave that one part you saved for a minute
  14. Say "I'll just eat the broken parts"
  15. Eat said broken parts
  16. Crave watermelon (again) for 30 seconds
  17. Touch the watermelon and watch a piece crumble off
  18. In reality, break a piece off
  19. Eat it
  20. Repeat steps 17- 18
  21. Watch Mom laugh at you
  22. Enter kitchen
  23. Realize you had half a watermelon alone in two days
  24. Smile
  25. The End
And that, my friends, is how you devour a big watermelon in 2 days.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Dear World,

We are heading to Chicago soon. Please let me know if there's something I MUST eat, MUST see, MUST do, etc.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summer Boredom-----> Riddles!

Boredom. Summer boredom. It comes around every year. This year, it has led me to riddles. So, I am making a contest for the few of you who read my blog.

Rules: No looking up the riddles... that would not be using your brain.
Thats it. On to the riddles!

1. I have an eye but cannot see. I am stronger and faster then any man alive but have no limbs. Who am I?

2. My life can be measured in hours,
I serve by being devoured,
Thin, I am quick,
Fat, I am slow,
Wind is my foe. Who am I?

3. I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will,
And yet I am the confidence of all,
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.
Who am I?

4. No legs have I to dance,
No lungs have I to breathe,
No life have I to live or die
And yet I do all three.
Who am I?

5. I always runs but never walk, often murmur, never talk, have a bed but never sleep, have a mouth but never eat. Who am I?

Good Luck! You don't need to know all of them to comment by the way. Also, do me a favor and don't read others comments... anyway, they could be wrong.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy Summer!

Summer: The complex season. The season where people are either completely lazy, unnaturally active, or in between. I don't know whether I'll be lazy or in between yet this summer; I am being forced to read 6 books that don't sound that interesting, as well as two textbooks. Joy.

Oh well. It's less work than usual :)


  • 1 package (3.4-ounce) instant vanilla pudding
  • 4 cups fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries), washed and hulled, plus extra for garnish
  • 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 24 to 36 ladyfingers

To make the fillings, prepare the pudding
according to the package directions and chill it.

Slice the strawberries, if you're using them, then toss all of the berries with the lemon juice and the 1/4 cup of sugar. Set aside for 30 minutes to allow the berries to release their juices.

In a medium mixing bowl, whip the cream, vanilla extract, and remaining 2 tablespoons of sugar until soft peaks form. Set aside.

To make the layers, set a layer of ladyfingers (around 7 or 8) on the bottom of a large, clear serving bowl (ours was 4 quarts). Top with the berries with half of the pudding.

Add another layer of ladyfingers, another third of the berries and juice, and the rest of the pudding. Add a final layer of ladyfingers and berries. Top with the whipped cream and a berry garnish.

Refrigerate until you're ready to serve. Serves 8 to 10.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Bengal Cafe

Problem: Most Indian Restaurants have oily, way- too- spicy food that you'd never find in India.
Solution: 2263 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge .

In this authentic Bangladeshi restaurant, a wide variety of foods are available; from the classic chicken curry to the lesser known Lao Chingri, this place has it all. The best part? Its all food that you can find in Bangladesh. Homemade, and delicious, it's the perfect place to go for a snack, lunch, or dinner.

After you order, you can smell your food cooking from where you sit. The ceiling is made of sari's, in a beautiful pattern as unique as the food it watches. If you go, try the sweet or mango lassi. The salt lassi is a bit less dessert-like, but still delectable to most. The only downside is that it's relatively new, so all the dishes aren't mastered, but, "It's worth it to eat food just like Mom would make if Mom were from Bangladesh," (First, 1/5/06).

A personal recommendation: try the Shami Kebobs. They melt in your mouth, and have just the right amount of spice.

Overall, 9 1/2 out of 10 stars.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rosie's Bakery: Triple Layer Fudge Cake

I finally figured out what to fill all this empty blog space with: Reviews!!!! Thank you, Eliza.

I'll start with something delicious: a Triple Layer Fudge Cake.

One layer vanilla, one layer chocolate, one layer fudge, topped with vanilla frosting and fudge on the sides. Garnished with sprinkles. ( Picture is of cake without the sprinkles and lettering). This cake was a decadent mixture of vanilla and chocolate. Loved by adults and children alike, it was rumored to be 50 dollars. However, it was from Cambridge...
The Bakery that created this moist delight was Rosie's Bakery, a chain also located in Porter's square, South Station, Chestnut Hill, and Wellesley. Even though it was small and round, its height made up for its lack of size. Perfect for a small party. The only downside was that at times, the chocolate was a little much, and unless you have a large sweet tooth, one thin slice would be the height of dessert for that day.

9 out of 10 stars.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Hi! Yesterday, I watched the Princess and the Frog. It was a good movie For some reason the last sentence is showing up in blue and underlined. Oh well. I loved the songs in this movie, as well as the theme. Disney is finally going back to animated, family movies instead of the Hannah Montana type. I missed these movies... Mom and Dad enjoyed it too. The pictures to the right are of: Tiana and Prince Naveen (the classic Disney true love- finders), Eudora (voice of Oprah Winfrey, Tiana's mom), and Mama Odie, one of my favorite characters and an interesting one too. Overall, 7.5 out of 10 stars.

I would recommend that people watch this. Especially if you like art, music, or Disney movies as general. Its not as good as the old ones though.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Alice in Wonderland and Audrey Hepburn

Alice is a crazy movie! Its more like the sequel to the original animated Alice in Wonderland by Disney. In this one, Alice runs away because someone proposes to her! Definitely not the (5? 6? 7? ) year old young Alice from the old movie. Overall though, its a good movie, although if you watch it in 3D, its completely different, and apparently better. It was directed by Tim Burton, so it has a creepy edge to it.

You now what other movie is creepy? The movie Wait Until Dark, starring Audrey Hepburn. It is freaky! I'm still imagining that evil people are going to come out of no where and attack me... But its a good movie. I would definitely recommend watching it to anyone that cares.

Alice in Wonderland: 7.5/10 stars
Wait Until Dark 10/10 stars

I would post pictures, but Blogger is being weird...

Farewell, until next time!


Sunday, March 7, 2010


It was a good movie. Useless to watch in 2D though. The scenery was beautiful.
Sadly, my two favorite characters died. Woe is me!
I loved the special effects, and the theme of nature.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Painful Painting

Today started out as a normal day. Insanity, tiredness, work. And then came 7th period: Art. In Art class today, I managed to injure my hand. "How?" you ask... by banging it on a table.

You see, it was a light bang (oxymoron), but afterwards, my arm turned red and swollen. Also, I couldn't move it. So, my Art teacher took one look at it, gasped, and sent me to the Nurse's office. Meredith was there- she would know what it looked like. Alas, the nurse was not there. So, the office called the upper school nurse, and she came. She iced it, tested it, and in the end, couldn't figure out whether it was broken, or just swollen.

So, my mom came and took me to the doctor's office, and got an X-ray done. I did not break my arm. I did, however, manage to badly bruise the tissue between the bones, causing it to swell.

Today, I survived PE, a biology class playing jump rope, and got injured in Art. Today, I left school early, because of banging my hand on a wooden table. Today, I slowly and laboriously typed this out.

On the bright side, I got to ride the elevator today. :)


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Joy That Is MovieMaker

Recently, on a class assignment, we had to create a movie on any topic using MovieMaker.
My topic- Gingerbread houses. :)

After making it, I went back to the website where I got the fancy gingerbread house pics, while talking to my Filipino friend, and found out the website was of a Filipino bakery in Canada.
( Coincidence. See video below. Enjoy!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Reminder: Never Become an Architect

On Saturday, I attempted to build a gingerbread house. Didn't go so well. The sides caved in and the roof slid off, and the back looked like it was attacked by a snow machine (I had left over frosting...).

Only half the roof was frosted because of the difficulty of frosting the half I did,(did that make sense?) the chimney tipped over, the sidewalk got stuck to the door, and the ginger snowman was leaning on the gingerbread man.

But, it was fun. and delicious.

I'm eating a piece of the (frosted half) of the roof as I type this.

Bottom Line: I shall never be an architect.

Maybe I'll post pictures sometime.
